Kaupa tells police not to evict Bush Wara residents


POLICE in the National Capital District are advised not to evict residents at Bush Wara portion 86 at Moresby North-East, says Moresby North-East MP, John Kaupa.
Kaupa responded to The National yesterday about concern raised by residence of portion 86 at Bush Wara of illegal eviction notice delivered by the public curator office.
“NCD Governor Powes Parkop and myself have advised the NCD police last week not to evict the residents of Bush Wara and urged to verify the land title certificates at the Lands Department first,” Kaupa said.
“Governor wrote to the police to temporary cease the eviction notice until we find out the source of the information.
“There are so many evictions given in my electorates and other electorates in Port Moresby. Governor and myself are working to address it.”
According to a long time residence at Bush Wara, Andrew Una, the eviction notice was sent to them last Friday by police urging that they have 21 days to vacate.
Una said the public curator claimed that potion 86 land title was under the name of Tom Otis.
Otis is not a real person and has no track records of him or his next of keen in the national archives when we checked.
He said whatever the intention this government institution has behind was not clear and we as the citizens of this nation settled on this land long before.
Una and his other colleagues urged Parkop, Kaupa and Moresby South MP Justin Tkachenko to verify the land title details.
The residents said they would protest over the matter if the responsible authorities failed to do their diligence check.