Keep it up, Eluh


I COMMEND administrator Thomas Eluh for his efforts in restoring peace in Mendi and Southern Highlands as a whole.
The youths, community leaders and the public cannot go unnoticed as well.
Eluh revealed the duplication of jobs and the unqualified individuals in the provincial headquarters and said he would get to the bottom of this.
Numerous fact finding missions have been funded by the Southern Highlands government but we have not seen any reports as to the findings.
I guess the reports are collecting dust somewhere.
Funds which could have been utilised on much-needed services have been used inappropriately.
Eluh said there is a lot of corruption at Agiru Centre, which is 200 percent correct.
Corruption has been deeply rooted there.
One major reason why this has been ongoing is the lack of audits by independent bodies, and the lack of effectively carrying out recommendations and penalties imposed by the findings.
I urge Eluh to please go all the way.
Do an independent audit of Southern Highlands’ books.
If this is not done, corruption will always be there.