Kevari: Soccer’s alive in Kerema

Normal, Sports

The National, Tuesday September 3rd, 2013


SOCCER is the only active sport in Kerema, Gulf, Kerema Soccer Association officials says.

President Nawai Kevari and treasurer Aileen Pakyei confirmed in Kerema over the weekend that soccer was the only sport there that was alive and well. 

The game attracts players from the surrounding areas and public servants living in Kerema.

Kevari said there were 20 teams taking part in the competition – eight women’s and 12 men’s teams. 

The women’s teams are Kepea, Panthers, Wantoks, Delta, LYS, Sharks Fin, Momase, Blue Kumuls, while the 12 men’s teams are Blue Kumuls, YFS, Delta, Momase, Natives, Kepea, Sowera, Sharks Fin, Wantoks, Anga, Panthers and Pascols YLS.

The longest survivors of the association are from the Karama region, with Kepea and Spy Panthers adding spice to the competition.

Pakyei said they had players good enough to play at National Soccer League level but could not because of the lack of financial support from local politicians and business houses in Kerema Town.

“We are calling on PNGFA officials to take the six-hour drive to K-Town to conduct coaching clinics and referees courses,”he said.