Kiunga lacks proper planning

Letters, Normal

The National, Monday January 19th, 2015

 IS there a town planner or someone responsible for planning the little township of Kiunga? Or is there any plan in which the town can be developed accordingly? It seems the responsible officer is just boasting around with the tittle but in fact not performing to what is expected. By the look of the town, anyone without knowledge of town planning would certainly agree that Kiunga needs proper planning. For instance, the Kiunga sports venue which is right at the center of town should be relocated to other suitable locations while the space created can be used for commercial purposes. At the moment the main street is becoming overcrowded. There are also not enough proper streets and as such, it is causing buildings to be erected anywhere which tend to look more unorganized. I don’t want to go throught the list since it’s too lengthy but I hope the town planner, or manager or whoever responsible is conscious of this and will probably do something. 


Usu Kya Daebisi
