Koim challenges staff

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Acting commissioner general of the Internal Revenue Commission (IRC) Sam Koim says he has limited time and would like to make it count.
Koim, in his address to IRC staff in Port Moresby yesterday, said he was not there with a one-size fit all solution.
“I know that this great organisation has progressed well over the years under the leadership of then commissioner general Betty Palaso and commissioners Dr Alois Daton and Pauline Bre,” he said.
“Many of you have contributed to this progress so you should be proud,” he said.
Koim said the new level had posed new challenges, which were many and may not be solved overnight.
“The compliance rate of nine per cent last year, underreporting of K18 billion and an uncollected debt of K5 billion requires our undivided attention urgently,” he said.
“I do not see these figures as a problem, but an opportunity to make a difference.
“Imagine, by this time next year, we increased the compliance rate by 50 per cent, detect and reduce under-reporting by 50 per cent, recover 50 per cent of the outstanding debts, and prevent further under-reporting and uncollected debts accumulating.
“That is the difference I mean here.” Koim said whether one is a janitor, process clerk, auditor or assistant commissioner, everyone had a part to play to make it happen.
He assured the staff he would fight for the employees and for IRC.
“In return, can I count on you to fight for the making of this difference?”
“If it is to be, can it be up to you?
“Can you be the one to take the first step to see the difference?”
Koim will be visiting each division to learn of their work.