Komal named deputy speaker


NIPA-Kutubu MP Jeffery Komal was elected deputy speaker when the 10th Parliament got underway yesterday.
Komal beat former deputy speaker and Marprik MP John Simon 57-47 by secret ballot.
Leader of Government Business James Marape had nominated Komal, seconded by Gumine MP Nick Kuman. On the Opposition bench, Bulolo MP Sam Basil nominated Simon, seconded by Sinasina-Yongomugl MP Kerenga Kua.
The election of deputy speaker was the only business of the day besides speeches and addresses by Governor-General Sir Bob Dadae and Prime Minister Peter O’Neill.
Speaker of Parliament Job Pomat, in his welcome address, said much was achieved by the last parliament but many challenges lay ahead for all MPs.
“Our people have spoken through the ballot boxes and I am sure MPs will agree with me that it is now our duty to be loyal and devote ourselves to their service during our term in office,” he said.
“We are faced with challenges, PNG is a country of tribes and ethnic groups, we must put aside our differences if we are to successfully overcome the challenges that meet the expectations of our people in PNG who have placed us here to act on their behalf,” he said.