Kramer needs to perform


WHEN the State agency responsible for internal security and civil order shows signs of weakness, everything else, like a house of cards, will crumble around it.
If this is the case, then our police force is in for a rude awakening, especially with the increase in crime.
It all boils down to leadership.
Had Police Minister Bryan Kramer lived up to his words in arresting corrupt politicians and Government officials, which is what he said he’d do when he wasn’t in power, then we would have gained some respect to the rule of law.
Lying to get into power isn’t new in PNG, but Kramer’s outright incompetence to reinforce authority is allowing our good rule of law to slip away.
His mere presence at the head of our police force is encouraging crime in all forms.
In countries were decency and order dictate government, Kramer would have been sacked a long time ago.

David Lepi

One thought on “Kramer needs to perform

  • A true statement. Krammer, you have all the details of the crimes of the politicians and bureaucrats. Exercise the powers you so badly craved for, when you didn’t have it. Only then you will redeem what is left of your credibility’


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