Kramer’s referral pushes Opposition to walk out

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THE referral of Madang MP Bryan Kramer to the Parliamentary Privileges Committee sparked a heated exchange of words on Friday which led to the walkout by Opposition MPs.
It came after Speaker Job Pomat announced the action to be taken against Kramer for comments he allegedly made on Facebook against Energy, Information Technology and Communication Minister Sam Basil recently. Opposition Leader Patrick Pruaitch questioned Pomat about the action taken since the remarks were made outside Parliament.
“Mr Speaker, in your statement, you just said that the statement made by the Communication Minister,” he said.
“As far as I can recollect, there was no statement by the Communication Minister on the floor of Parliament.
“Kramer had made the statement outside of Parliament and he can be dealt with by the police and the courts under the Cyber Crime Act.”
However, Pomat insisted that Kramer could still be dealt with by the committee under Parliament’s Standing Orders.
Opposition MPs were not happy with the decision and walked out of the chamber. Government MPs clapped their hands and cheered them on.
Works and Implementation Minister Michael Nali shouted out “shame on all of you” in Tok Pisin.
Nali’s comment provoked East Sepik Governor Allan Bird who it seemed wanted to confront him.
However, Kramer, Northern Governor Gary Juffa and Namatanai MP Walter Schnaubelt stopped Bird.
Menyama MP Thomas Pelika told the Opposition MPs to just get out of the chamber.
Sinasina-Yongamugl MP Kerenga Kua told Pomat that he had just converted Parliament into a courtroom.