Kudos to candidates’ peaceful campaigns


Unlike the past elections, the 2017 campaign has been peaceful despite some predication of trouble.
There used to be many issues relating to election among supporters in the Kompiam Ambum District and Enga but that has not happened.
It was a peaceful nomination in Wabag town, all the districts candidates including the regional intending candidates showed maturity.
I see the future of Kompiam Ambum Electorate in the political arena changing.
The entire Enga will change because of one fact – and that is in the last five years literacy level have been increased.
As a result the literate people have convinced the semi-educated and illiterate that election time is not for you to fight against each other.
Wabag town commercial centres is in full operation, no road blocks and other intimidating barriers and people are free to move around unlike in the past.
In the past elections, before nomination filings or during the campaign many people killed but this attitude changed.
It is my hope and focuses that in the forthcoming elections Kompiam Ambum district and Enga will see a great change eradicating every problem that would be evolving.
I want to acknowledge the elites on the ground who are demonstrating the right part to the election and campaign.

Leighton Yakanginn
Kompiam Ambum