Kudos to Highlands AIC


I LOVE the thought of PNG frozen french fries! 100 per cent kudos to Highlands AIC (Agriculture Industrial Centre) for the initiative and investment.
Can AIC (via IAI and SHPG) confirm that the potato seeds of this “advanced potato variety” are not genetically modified (non-GMO)?
In a world becoming increasingly aware of the actual health impacts of food and even more terrified of “frankenfoods” a “non-GMO” and “fair-trade” certification would open PNG to a large, specific and high-paying international market niche that
PNG could tap into if we could promise the world GMO-free, worker-friendly, frozen french fries.
Someone has to feed the yuppies of the world, why not PNG with our effortless and limitless non-GMO supply of fairly traded, organic produce?
If readers don’t know whether or not the potato seeds introduced all around the highlands are GMO, then it is time to consult
Dr Google (PhD, MD, LLM) to find out why it is important to know such things.
Yours in the fight against frankenfoods.

J. Dalton