Lae auction raises over K145,000

Papindo Trading’s Jackie Lew (right) and Chris Arreo bidding during the Trukai Fun Run auction.

THURSDAY’S Lae leg of the Trukai Fun Run auction saw the receipt K145,500 from the sale of 9,700 t-shirts to help Team Papua New Guinea compete in international events this year.
The auction is one of the major annual fundraising events for the Papua New Guinea Olympic Committee to raise funds for Team PNG to the Pacific, Commonwealth and Olympic games.
The top bidders for the Lae leg were Raumai18 (K31,500 for 2,100 t-shirts), Trukai Industries Limited (K28,500 for 1,900 t-shirts) and Papindo Trading (K18,000 for 1,200 t-shirts). All the funds raised in Lae and Port Moresby this year will help Team PNG attend the Pacific Mini Games in the Northern Marianas (June 17-25) and the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham, England (July 28-Aug 8).
Committee president Sir John Dawanincura urged the business community to get behind the auction by buying Trukai Fun Run t-shirts in Lae and Port Moresby.

Raumai18’s Damien Chow and wife Angela receiving their prize from Athletics PNG president Tony Green for being the top bidders in the 2022 Lae leg of the Trukai Fun Run auction on Thursday night. Raumai18 was the highest bidder with K31,500 for 2,100 t-shirts.

He acknowledged the support of the business community in the previous auctions.
“The last auction was held in 2019 before the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic,” Sir John said. So we’re excited to bring back the auctions after a two-year absence.
“The auctions are a great opportunity for the business community to support Team PNG by buying Fun Run t-shirts and donating them to schools.
“Both legs of the auction have been approved by the Office of the National Pandemic Response Controller, so we’ll ensure that the Niupela Pasin protocols are followed.”

Trukai Industries Limited staff during the auction.

Sir John said the support shown by the country through such fundraising drives gave confidence to the committee to “offer the best possibilities for our athletes and country”.
“This year, we have 50,000 t-shirts to sell,” he said.
“We are encouraging all Papua New Guineans to get behind Team PNG by buying a shirt each for K15.00.
“I thank Trukai Industries for its continued sponsorship of this annual event.
“I acknowledge our long-standing partnership of 23 years.”
Shirts bought and donated to schools by businesses houses can be resold by the schools at a price not exceeding K15.
The schools will retain the proceeds to fund their projects.