Lae should have school bus system by next year: Rosso

Lae MP John Rosso (right) speaking to Butibum Primary School students in Lae recently. Rosso said the district should have a school bus system by early next year. – Nationalfilepic

LAE MP and Lands and Physical Planning Minister John Rosso says the district should have a school bus system by early next year.
Rosso said five buses used during the Asia Pacific Economic Corporation (Apec) Summit in 2018 were given to the Lae City Authority to start the service.
“These buses are already in Lae, given free of charge by Apec and transported free of charge by Consort Shipping,” he said.
“We aim to establish a school bussing system to improve the transport problem faced by school students in Lae.
“I have to address the route, train the drivers because these are pretty big buses and the children’s lives are in their hands.
“We haven’t decided yet if the bus fare will be fully subsidised but if they pay, it will be a minimum fee of 50 toea or less.”
Rosso said there would be zero tolerance for school fights on buses.