Lae’s rubbish bin puzzle


TAKING my daily morning walks within the city of Lae, I am very concerned to see the ugly sight of garbage bins overfilled with rubbish almost every day.
What is more concerning is that this rubbish, or so it seems, is being thrown into the bins by drive-by-night householders, and not as we would expect, by normal passersby.
What further bemuses me is that when the garbage collectors clean up the bins, it is again filled to the brim and onto the ground within only a space of two days.
Just how can this be?
The area is rarely used by the public at large to warrant such a mess, within such a short space of time.
One only has to take a walk around the city to see what I am talking about.
The garbage bins opposite the Show Ground towards Raun Wara and the Scout Hall Oval are the notable ones. Some people are just not being honest enough and are not assisting Lae City Authority keep the city clean by disposing their rubbish properly.
I will leave it to the LCA for now, as they are the experts to address this and other related issues!

Lawrence Billy