Lagaip by-election set to proceed as GG approves writ

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THE supplementary election for the Lagaip Open seat in Enga will go head after the writ was approved by Governor-General Grand Chief Sir Bob Dadae yesterday.
Electoral commissioner Simon Sinai said polling would start on Oct 21 and end on Oct 27.
The writ is scheduled to be returned on Nov 17.
“During General Election 2022, we had an unfortunate situation in the Lagaip electorate and had to defer the issuing of the writ,” Sinai said
He said the election must now be conducted. “We thank all the leaders in Enga for facilitating peace in the province,” he said.
“We recently got clearance from the police.”
Sinai added that it was the appropriate time to conduct the election as people wanted to see peace restored in the province.
“Funding is already released,” he said.
“We have the money to organise the administrative side of things, arrange polling officials and bring in ballot papers.”
Nominations began yesterday.
Meanwhile, he said preparations were ongoing for the by-elections for North Bougainville and Wewak.
The writs were issued earlier this month.
“Officials are in the process of training now and looking toward going to polling in the next few weeks,” he said.
He appealed to voters to work together with authorities to ensure that the proper election processes take place.
“We are only facilitating the process,” he said.
“You are the ones that will make the decision at the end of the day.”