Landowners happy with K24.8m development grant


A PAYMENT of K24.8 million in infrastructure development grants (IDG) to Hela government to distribute to landowner beneficiaries has been supported by landowners at Hides PDL areas in Hela.
Umbrella Hides PDL 7 Association Incorporation chairman Erick Ako said the landowners were satisfied with the state decision as “the PDL 7 SPA (special purpose authority) has lost its trust from the landowners and stakeholders for various reasons”.
“The decision to pay money through Hela government has the full support and backing from us landowners as it was a timely decision based on genuine and valid reasons,” he said.
Ako said landowners of PDL 7 fully supported and embraced the government’s decision to pay IDG benefits to landowners through the Hela government, pending completion of clan-vetting.