Lawyer facing four counts of attempting to pervert course of justice


Lawyer Ben Lomai, who is facing four counts of attempting to pervert the course of justice, will appear in court next month.
He represented Madang Governor Peter Yama in relation to a bribery case levelled against Yama during the 2017 National Elections in Madang.
Lomai had his case adjourned to Sept 8 for submissions on sufficiency of evidence after a police hand-up brief was served on him.
Lomai, 54, is from Manus.
On Jan 24, he was alleged to have filed a notice of motion granting restraining orders at the Waigani National Court to restrain police from arresting his client by police officer, Inspector Steven Yalamu.


  • Some lawyers are just dumb – they’ll do anything just for the money. Ben Lomai knew his client was in the wrong but he still stood up for him because of the money – and this goes for lawyers who defend murderers, rapists and other serious crimes. You’d think lawyers are smart given their education level but look how stupid they are as well – where is the moral conscience you have to stand up for what is right and not defend wrong doers. Such lawyers who defend wrong are indirectly promoting heinous crimes to flourish in the country.

    Its high time the law society look into/scrutinise the conduct of lawyers as well – those that are knowingly defending wrong doers. Whilst we are trying our very best to uphold and promote law we have learned lawyers directly going against that by defending wrong doers…how does that make sense?

  • Lawyers should not overstep their boundaries. They are lawyers and should know their rights and responsibilities. They should always try to practice within their own jurisdiction.

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