Our leaders must maintain their integrity


I remember that when my grandfather and great Chief of Golin-Nilkigauli late Kaupa Dua was challenged by one of his tribesman.
He speared that challenger through his ribs and he collapsed right in front of me. I was so scared of my bubu (grandfather) since then and like everyone else in our tribe and clan, had to respect and submit to his command and ruling.
After having speared him, he quickly called two of his many wives to bring two big pigs to compensate his wounded tribesman.
As a grown up man I now appreciate the action of this natural leader/warrior.
To him, maintaining his name and integrity as the Chief and leader was paramount then anything under the sun.
Today, we have many aspire to be ‘leaders’ in our community and society but they do not possess the grit and guts to maintain and protect their leadership integrity.
or example, when PNC coalition lead by Peter O’Neill scraped off Kua Kerenga’s ministerial portfolio, he did not fight back.
Kua Kerenga was a very successful professional lawyer-cum private millionaire prior to entering politics.
Since coming out of his private life into the public arena, he became the pride of the tribe of Chimbu and that we expected him to fight to his last breath when he was unceremoniously dumped by one of his own brothers from the land.
He did not use his available resources and intelligence to put a good fight and now it’s all water under the bridge.
As a Chimbu patriot, I was utterly shattered when one my hero did not fight back like a true warrior.

Konoma Vill