Leaders must show example

Letters, Uncategorized

CANDIDATES for the 2022 general election must tell us voters that they will show us how to get a good education, do business, become the next leader or politician, stabilise their family and community, address social issues, produce robust public servants, go to church and worship God, etc.
But they don’t have to say that I will give you an education, good health care, money, job, business, house, etc.
Young people should vote for people or associate with people who show them how to live a good life but not promise to give them a good life.
For example, someone gives a K1,000 to spend while another asks you to look after his store.
Which one is teaching you better?
Although I am not a Chinese I still believe the Chinese Proverb: “Give a fish to a man and he eats fish no more but teach a man how to fish and he eats fish in rest of his life”.

Kenny Pawa Ambiasi