League sets up Ottio trust for family


THE Papua New Guinea Rugby Football League has opened a trust account for Kato Ottio’s family — to help them achieve one of his dreams — one of which was to build a home for his mother.
PNGRFL chairman Sandis Tsaka said the board and management made a decision to help the late Ottio’s family.
“The PNGRFL has made the commitment to take the lead in helping the Ottio family to recognise one of Kato’s dreams of a home for his mother Joyce,” Tsaka said.
Account name: Kato Ottio Trust Fund; Acc No. 7012191677 (BSP) Port Moresby branch.
Tsaka said all deposits could be made to this account which was open since last Friday and would close on Thursday.
He said all the funds would then be given to the Ottio family.
Tsaka added that the PNG Hunters would honour Ottio’s memory in their preseason fixture against the Brisbane Broncos on Feb 26 by wearing black armbands.
Tsaka said he would also advise the Broncos to do the same.