Lecturer keen on preserving tradition


UNIVERSITY of Papua New Guinea senior linguistics lecturer Olga Temple will assist villages in Madang publish some of their traditional and historical stories.
Temple, who visited Madang recently, said meeting with communities on the Maclay Coast turned out to be one of the most memorable experiences of her life.
She said Madang’s coastline was beautiful and wanted to help preserve the people’s tradition and history with their illustrations through publications.
“I believe that we, in the linguistics and modern languages department, School of Humanities and Social Sciences at UPNG, can help in the production of textbooks for children of the Bongu, Gorendu and Maclay villages,” Temple said.
She thanked the Melanesian Tourist Services owner Sir Peter Barter for assisting the Miklouho Maclay Foundation’s visit to Madang.
Temple also invited Asel Toui, the chief of the village and his son, Kasek, to attend the International Conference of the Linguistic Society of PNG in Port Moresby in September.