Legal year a time to start fresh: Lawyer


A LAWYER says the opening of a new Legal Year is a time to be refreshed and re-energised by God’s word to face the challenges ahead.
Lawyer Karo Gamoga representing the PNG Law Society told judges, magistrates, lawyers, police, state prosecutors, probationary officers and solicitors that they should start afresh.
He likened it to vehicles undergoing servicing every six or eight months with a change in engine oil and lubricants to keep them operating properly.
He said everything done in the dispensation of justice dealt with truth, justice and equality.
He challenged lawyers to study laws properly when providing services to the people.
They also have to assist judges in decision-making.
Lae’s resident judge Justice Jacinta Murray welcomed judges Justice John Kaumi and Justice Paulus Dowa, magistrates, state lawyers and prosecutors, and members of the Australian Federal Police.
Justice Murray said the opening was a time for everyone to come before God and “reflect on ourselves on what we have not done well or done wrong”.