Lelang resigning as opposition leader

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OPPOSITION Leader Joseph Lelang is stepping down “to preserve the integrity of the office”, and is also resigning as a People’s National Congress Party (PNC) member because of “negative criticisms”.
Kandrian Gloucester MP Lelang claimed that prior to and during the Jan 10 civil unrest in Port Moresby, he had been “left out of the discussions and press conferences with political leaders who resigned and moved to the Opposition”.
“The issue of a vote of no-confidence is of national interest and importance.
“This is a time when party leaders talk to each other and strategise on the best way forward, including the identification of a suitable candidate as the nominee for the post of Prime Minister,” he said.
“In recent weeks, I have been excluded from discussions and press conferences because I am not a party leader and also probably, I was not considered a key leader to sit in discussions.”
Lelang said he was “exposed” and received “backlashes from the public through the social media questioning why I was not attending press conferences or receiving political leaders” crossing the floor.
“These backlashes have impeded on my personal integrity as Leader of the Opposition and on the office I occupy,” he said. He said he resigned from the PNC “because the party has put me in a situation where I have been exposed to negative criticisms not of my doing”.
Lelang said it had been a great honour to serve the country as the Opposition Leader since August, 2022.
“I have continued to ensure that the Government is held to account for its actions and that the interests of the nation and its peoples are protected at all times,” he said.