Let auto-suspension kick in term two

Letters, Normal

The National, Tuesday 02nd April, 2013

I support the call by PNG Teachers Association (PNGTA) president to implement teachers’ auto-suspension in term two.
Many schools are still in the process of compi­ling teachers’ resumption of duty summary sheet.
Many tea­chers are still awaiting transfer notice or yet to be given positions.
As such, it will not be fair if the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) and education department suspend teachers from the payroll.
Suspension should be made after getting up­dates from provincial ap­pointment officers as
they are aware of posting ac­tivities and the number of tea­chers are yet to be posted.
The TSC and education department must heed PNGTA’s call for an ex­tension of suspension.
Implement auto-suspension only when ap­pointment officers have identified which teachers have yet to report for duty.

Teacher affected
Via email