Let justice take its course


I would, if I were Willie Siso, refrain from jumping into conclusions over our Kumul player incident in Australia.
We all have no reason to regret over something we do not know if it took place or not.
The incident in Australia is something that has no facts tabled as yet and therefore the buck stops there.
We cannot go straight to the media and be emotional about how disgusted we are and on how big the slap in the face was for us because of an unethical conduct by a Kumul player.
The investigation is ongoing and the Australian Police have yet to state their case in court to prove the player guilty and until then we all shut our gates and keep quiet.
The Kumuls remain our team and the player implicated is our player and as much as Marum wants the player back in the team we all must likewise follow suit and provide that much needed support in the face of the World Cup.
United we stand, divided we fall.

Timon Wena
Mt Wilhelm