Lets prepare for Coronavirus


PREVENTION is better than cure as they say! Should we wait until we are attacked before we act or take preventive measures?
Foolish enough, it will be like dead man walking as it will be too late.
The coronavirus has become a worldwide endemic and concern that cannot be cured at this moment.
Unlike other viral diseases, it is killing people at a fast rate as reported in the daily news.
It is spreading quickly too in many parts of the world mostly in the Asian region.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) fears more when it will enter developing countries such as PNG as we do not have the resources, skills and capacity to deal with it.
Given the reality and seriousness of the virus, what is the government of Western doing seriously as we are at high risk as we are a border province?
I see that nobody seems to be serious about it.
Very sadly, a meeting organised by a certain government department to mobilise people on the coronavirus had to be postponed to a later date as NID card took more precedence over coronavirus.
The Health Department is not even organising awareness on the cause, effects and preventive measures of the virus to the people.
They are totally unaware it seems.
The security forces at FOB give priority to organising parties and socialising instead of patrolling along the border to give awareness and control movement of people into the province.
The government has not taken any serious and strategic measures to control the movement of people at the airport.
All these demonstrate a lack of concern, poor response and lack of preparedness of the government in taking the lead in preparing people to face the effects of the deadly Covid-19.
If the Western government was not able to deal with past disasters effectively, we should prepare for the worst nightmare when the virus will hit us at any time due to our position.
I appeal to our leaders to take the seriousness of coronavirus and start preparing our people to face the impact of the virus or it’s too late.



  • Working around the border villages in the south coast of South Fly District and the western end of the same District, I’ve seen and felt the lack of government presence through responsible division within the district. NAQIA and other agencies that are supposed to be at the front of border surveillance are not effective. There were reports that dog population in most of those border villages were badly affected by a flu like disease last year and 2018 and no investigation were done to confirm what the disease was. Thank God, maybe it was something near COVID-19, but did not affect the humans too. Please strengthen checkpoints at the border entrance points before it too late, Wake up Western Province and get serious in this matter.

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