Letters in brief


Service delivery:
READERS will have mixed feelings but there are leaders who grandstand and sensational issues to win public sympathy while concurrently orchestrate secret benefit traps for one self in the name of service delivery. The prayers of Christians will expose those culprits who ruined lives of many innocent people in the course of their ruthless and selfish self-serving motives. God has a master plan for each and every one and whosoever destroys God’s plan for his children will bring condemnation upon oneself.

Seer, NCD

Fix road:
THIS is an open letter to Moresby North-West MP Sir Mekere Morauta to make his presence known to the people of Morata 1. The road condition from Lobu down to community hall, Delta and all the way to Morata 4 is in very bad condition and is deteriorating. Where is Sir Mekere ?
This is a famous question everyone asks when using the road. On behalf of the silent majority of Morata 1, I am calling on our good member to come out from his hideout and fix the road and deliver other tangible services.

Geno Mosi
Morata 1

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