Letters in brief


Bad road:
A CHUNK of the road at Guman Village in Ambenob of Madang district is eroded by the flowing Gogol River. Vehicles passing that part of the road are susceptible to falling off the precipice into the treacherous river along with their human passengers and freight. Landowners will not allow vehicles to encroach a bypass. Both the Madang Open MP and the Governor are probably aware of this hurdle but are impervious so I shall be compelled to sue for liabilities if my spouse and child or I encounter a mishap along that scarp. Member and Governor, please act!

Wali Traveller, Madang

Pay cut :
ON July 16 Prime Minister James Marape mentioned that there won’t be any salary increases for politicians, government secretaries, managing directors and chief executive directors of statutory bodies and State-owned enterprises. Marape said, he was willing to take a 20 per cent pay cut as part of a “cleaning-up-process”.
A very determined Prime Minister who advocates for changes and transparency is highly commendable of his actions. However, to date we wonder whether his 20 per cent pay cut has been made effective as per his statement.

Concern Citizen, POM