Letters in brief


Overdue payments: It was indeed a missed opportunity for Prime Minister Peter O’Neill. He could have left a lasting legacy in the hearts of many suffering ex-public servants awaiting their unpaid State contribution to Nambawan Super Funds up to end of 2018. The welfare of ex-public servants who served PNG should be recognised in the timely payment of superannuation benefits. Non-action to retire outstanding unpaid superannuation is the worst kind of mistreatment on those who sacrificed their lives in their line of duties.

Concerned Ex Public Servant
Via email

Disappointed student: I am a Grade 12 student writing in frustration over the online selection system. The system has given us a great opportunity in terms of seeing our final marks and exam results. However, during the selection process, many students with good GPAs were left out. It is a slap in the face for some of us who worked hard in school to end up in such a situation. What can the Department of Higher Education Research Science and Technology do about this problem? Something needs to be done before school resumes in January. I believe I’m not the only one in this situation and am speaking on behalf of many others like me.

Grade 12 student
Lae Secondary School