Library project provides free reading books for children

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A novel idea to set up a “cupboard” library in the Hela Provincial Hospital’s children’s ward has started, with children admitted being given free access to books.
The library is equipped with more than 250 books for children. They vary from board/picture books for three-to-six-year-old children to junior novels, general readers and reference and non-fiction.
All the books were donated by Oil Search employees during a book drive last year as well as from partner organisation, Buk bilong Pikinini (BbP).
Oil Search Foundation (OSF) executive director Stephanie Copus-Campbell saw the need for a library in the children’s ward to give young patients an opportunity to read and explore the fun of storytelling through books.
The books help distract children from their illnesses and discomfort. On discharge from the ward, each child is given a book of their choice to take home to encourage them to continue to read.
With support from the hospital’s director of nursing, Sr Freda Makanda, the library  operates from Monday to Friday.
OSF staff member Margaret Paja spends an hour each day lending books to the young patients as well as reading to the children.
Margaret also provides paper and colouring pencils for children.