Local florist has it all arranged at Stanley hotel


A LOCAL florist says Papua New Guineans are starting to adapt to the culture of buying flowers for their partners.
Anna Nawara told The National during the opening of her new Blooming Flowers shop in The Stanley Hotel and Suites in Port Moresby last Friday that they are specialised in different flower arrangements for different occasions.
“We do them on customers’ requests whether it be for corporate use or individual,” she said.
They do flower arrangements for hotels, weddings, school graduations and for individuals.
Nawara said most of their customers were expatriates. But slowly they are getting local clients as well.
Blooming Flowers shop manager Dorothy Bagitha told The National that their shop moved to the hotel from Vision City.
Bagitha said the prices of flower arrangements was as low as K50.
“We have been operating for a week now and we get our supplies from Goroka,” Bagitha said.
The Stanley Hotel and Suites food and beverage director David Barbero said Blooming Flowers was the first shop to operate in the hotel.