Locals hail funding for road


THE funding of an abandoned road that serves more than 200,000 people living in Mendi and Imbonggu, Southern Highlands, has been hailed by locals who are ready to support its construction.
Southern Highlands Governor William Powi announced a K4 million funding for the Munihu-Pinz road recently.
Kip community leader and Lai Valley High School chairman Raphael Tonpi told The National that the Lai Valley area in Mendi-Munihu was fertile and people had been struggling to access markets to sell their produce. He said on many occasions, the communities came together and improved the road for medical supplies to be brought to the Kip health centre and the newly established Lai Valley High School.
“Access to town by the people of Kip wards 1 and 2, Tumia, Tukup, Komb, Topa, and the Pinz is a four-hour walk through rough terrain crossing rivers to get to Munihu or Sumia to catch the PMVs,” he said.
“After hearing of the funding for the road, there have been celebrations in the villages as the days and nights of walking will be over soon.”

One thought on “Locals hail funding for road

  • Less than 20 000 inhabit this part of the province and not 200 000 as reported.

    And there was never a celebration at any of the villages named as the K4m appropriation is ONLY on paper as usual. I am from Komb Village.
    One of those fake cooked up news from The National!

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