Locals receive ILG certificate after 45 years


LANDS and Physical Planning Minister Justin Tkatchenko yesterday handed over Incorporated Land Group certificates to the Aru Utu landowners from Tatana and Baruni.
Chairman of the Aru utu Tatana ILG said their land had finally been registered after trying for 45 years. Tkatchenko said securing land by rightful landowners for development purposes had been a problem.
“We have had many questions by the public and other clan owners about properly identifying and verifying the correct landowners,” he said.
“And this has always been a challenge when securing land for development by the rightful landowners. We have a system put in place to ensure that the vetting process is done correctly.
“The registration of ILGs is a major issue that we are trying to get right by properly and clearly identifying the correct landowners and the correct clans.
“It is not been an easy road to receive the Aru utu Land title from the State. The Aru utu clan supports the current government’s position in urging all Motukoita people to register their land to avoid abuse and scrupulous deals.”
Acting Department secretary Oswald Tolopa said it was hard to see people selling their land and the ILG registration was for others to follow.