Look at other methods


Alternate ways need to be looked at to minimise the rural to urban drift. Not Vagrancy Act!
The government needs to budget above the Fiscal Policy Act and distribute equal funds to provinces and districts.
Enforce the Policing Act. Recruit more citizens from secondary schools through filling the School Leavers Form (SLF) with target GPA, establish more Police Colleges and upgrade the Bomana Police College to University.
Use more security personnel to settle law and order issues. Make sure the communities are safe and secured.
Service delivery and infrastructure developments should reach the door steps of each electorate.
Initiate programmes, projects and engage citizens by strengthening them with funds.
Adequately, establish the Small Medium Entrepreneur (SME) Policy which the social economy can change the mindset of the populations.
Moreover, allocate each region with a university or college.
Those who cannot reach the target GPA (Grade Point Average) could upgrade through matriculation (CODE, FODE) or other skills training centres (TVET/vocational training centres).
The Tuition-Fee Free policy (TFF) is a political tactic used to rob votes. The policy was implemented without proper research and is a waste of funds. The policy has affected the quality of education.
The Police department can partner with migration office to control the movement of people.
Such suggestions can substitute the Vagrancy Act.

Blade Phillzmon, observer