Madang still undeveloped


MADANG open electorate has not seen any real developments for the past 40 years.
We have heard and read in the newspapers of developments taking place in other electorates around the country by other elected members who have used their electoral funds to buy machinery for road construction, build classrooms, bridges, subsidise school fees, buy roofing irons for the people, buy sawmills, build water supply projects and many more.
The roads in the local government area of Transgogol, North and South Abenob have become so bad that people find it very hard to reach Madang town.
Aid posts and some schools have closed.
No funding has been allocated to build more classrooms, buy medicine for aid posts or health centres.
The Transgogol valley is very fertile and can support cocoa, oil palms and vanilla, for example, but there is no support, either from the current or previous elected members.
This has left the people to fend for themselves to make ends meet.
The people in the hinterlands and valleys of Madang Open electorate are still leaving in semi-primitive lifestyle.
Kramer should forget about challenging the prime minister and his government on national issues and start concentrating on developing his electorate.
The people who elected Kramer into Parliament are still waiting for services.

Mountain Man