Mamari wants fair distribution

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THE people of Mamari in Karawari, East Sepik want authorities to distribute relief supplies evenly to those affect by the floods and earthquake.
Village spokesperson Matthew Andy said there were about 35 houses affected by the earthquake and flood.
“But we only got two bales of rice, one bale sugar and loose packets of salt distributed to only a few houses while others missed out,” he said.
“We ran out of food and we just now live for the day. Whoever goes out fishing and lucky to catch some, they share with others.
“We suffered from the past earthquake where the fish died. People are having scabies and diarrhoea.”
He called on authorities to visit them on the ground and make a report so that relief assistance reaches them.
“We don’t want middle men or other people to handle our package. If they bring our stuff to Angoram, then inform us so we can go and collect them ourselves.”