Man attacks another over suspected sorcery


A MAN was allegedly attacked by another with a bush knife in broad daylight last Thursday at a market in Lae after suspecting him of using sorcery to kill his family members.
Lae police said Foxy David, from Henganofi in Eastern Highlands, accused the victim, known to police only as Jason, from Okapa, also in Eastern Highlands, of using sorcery to kill David’s family.
Police reported that the alleged attack occurred between 8am and 9am when David was at Malahang market armed with a bush knife.
He saw Jason in front of Malahang Industrial Centre and attacked him.
From eyewitness reports, David, without saying anything, allegedly pulled out his knife and started slashing Jason’s arms and legs and abdomen.
Police said one of the victim’s hands was cut off and was left hanging by the skin.
Police added that the Jason could have died if David had continued but bystanders at the market intervened and started throwing stones at him and interrupted him.
David fled to the police station and surrendered.
Jason was rushed to Angau Hospital.
Police charged David with attempted murder.
Meanwhile, in a separate incident, police said a fight between two people allegedly under the influence of liquor, led to the death of another person in a settlement in Busu compound, Lae, on last Tuesday.
Police alleged that the deceased, Piniga Kruwe, 23, from Nuku in West Sepik, was with two men drinking at their home in Busu compound.
They got into an argument and a fist fight erupted between them.
After a punch to the head, Kruwe fell and died.