Manager shot


A restaurant manager was chased by a gang in his car in broad daylight and shot four times before they took K35,000 in business takings from him in Port Moresby on Thursday.
National Capital District Metropolitan Superintendent Perou N’Dranou said that Mohammed Arafil, 56, manager of the Imperial Restaurant inside the Fortune Club at Gordon Industrial, died while he was being taken to hospital.
N’Dranou said the gang of five fired two shots at Arafil from their vehicle. Arafil’s vehicle ran off the road. When Arafil came out of his vehicle, they shot him twice in the chest, took the money and drove away in a white Toyota Harrier.
Arafil, N’Dranou said, was taking the money to the bank in his white Toyota Rav 4 at about 8am.
“It took about 30 minutes to transport the victim to the hospital and on the way he died,” he said.
“We are now in possession of the surveillance video and have identified the suspects involved.”
N’Dranou said his officers collected good information last Thursday by going to the scene and examining it.
“They got the empty shell from the firearm used and have seen the vehicle too,” he said.
N’Dranou said the investigating officers have begun working on leads.
“My officers have done well by looking at the footage taken from the car dashboard camera also,” he said.
N’Dranou said the video had given them some interesting information to investigate.
Meanwhile, he said Bob John, from Daru in Western, was critically wounded as well in a robbery and was in hospital.