Managing money and being kind to yourself

Health Watch, Uncategorized

IF you can’t afford to pay your bills or buy food and if you can’t afford the things you need, help is out there.
Remember, everyone has the right to essentials like food and housing.
If you need support, the family network is our strength.

  • BUDGET and savings calculators can help keep your spending on track.
    Or they could help you save in case something happens in the future, such as needing to go into hospital;
  • YOU can give legal control of your money to someone else, in case you become unable to make decisions in the future.
    This is known as a lasting power of attorney; and,
  • MAKE a list of all the essential things you spend money on every month. This could be things like rent or mortgage payments, energy bills, phone bills, and food shops.

Also make a list of any benefits or grants you are receiving.
Try to set a time for yourself and do talk to trusted friends and family.
It is important that your interaction with others can instill a vibrant and positive outlook on life.
Keep smiling and keep life simple; enjoy the simple things in life.
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