Marape praises late Solomon Is envoy


PRIME Minister James Marape says that Solomon Islands High Commissioner Barnabas Anga was a friend to many in Government and the diplomatic community.
Marape said Anga, who passed away last week, was a long serving resident diplomat in Papua New Guinea and was a dear friend to many in the Government and diplomatic community.
“His contributions were immense to the enhancement of our bilateral relations evident through the many existing PNG/Solomon Islands cooperative arrangements,” he said.
“As senior foreign diplomat in PNG, he was appointed as the dean of the diplomatic corps, a responsibility he carried with ease in managing and guiding the interests of his colleagues.
“I appreciate High Commissioner Anga’s untiring efforts towards our bilateral relations.”
Marape said as a token of PNG’s appreciation for Anga’s long service in the country, the Government would bear all costs to repatriate Anga’s body to Honiara after all necessary formalities were completed.