Marape thanks people

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PRIME Minister James Marape has thanked Papua New Guineans from all walks of life for playing their roles in protecting the country from the global threat of Covid-19.
Marape thanked people from the informal, private and public sectors and all those who had been and were continuing to work in the frontlines.
“Today, I thank God that despite the global figures going past three million people infected with Covid-19 and death toll past 200,000, PNG has only eight confirmed cases with no deaths,” he said.
“Going forward, as the state of emergency ends on June 2, the country will start living the new normal, a life with the Covid-19.
“Schools will open next week, again, it is your choice whether to send your children to school or not.
“But if you do send them back to school, you must comply with the new Covid-19 standards.
“That means children will wear masks to schools.
“Public transport will start operating again but will also have to practice the standards put in place for life with Covid-19.
“All ships, planes will be allowed to start operating again and all citizens must start wearing masks.
Marape also said Covid-19 was real and was not something made up by authorities.
“Many countries are battling with the Covid-19.
Meanwhile, the Health Department will carry out a case study on all eight confirmed cases of Covid-19 in PNG to better understand it, Marape said.
He said there was no transmission of the virus from the eight.
“Based on the tests so far, we have seen that no transmission was made to their spouses, children and (or) people who came in contact with them and lived around them,” he said.
“All the tests came back as negative.
“God is alive and he will protect the nation, but we must also play our part.
“That that means whether you are going to school or work or church you must wear masks.”
“Let me also assure the people that the Government is doing its absolute best to ensure that the Covid-19 does not kill business, trade and life of our country.”
“But as we continue this fight, I am aware that many people may contract other diseases and be killed by it, at the same time I am aware that many may be struggling economically.”
“The Treasury is working on releasing K250mil to ensure that there is money in the districts, provinces.”
“We have also received a lot of support and help from other countries and I thank them for it.”


  • Appreciated what the PM is doing – standing up for the country and assuring public good in the new normal amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. There is however, this statement:

    “Schools will open next week, again, it is your choice whether to send your children to school or not.
    “But if you do send them back to school, you must comply with the new Covid-19 standards.
    “That means children will wear masks to schools”

    I can’t see the logic in his statement – meaning, school/education is no longer mandatory as a constitutional right. Sounds like it’s up to parents and students to decide whether students return to school or not and it all depends on whether the new COVID-19 standards are met or not.

    This is mind-bungling for schools, parents and students alike. Can the state make a firm decision on whether the 2020 Academic Year resumes with full support in terms of funding of the new normal requirements?

  • I totally agree with John Karol’s comment. The PM should take charge and make funds available for schools to adhere to the restrictions for COVID-19.

    Furthere, can some inform the PM or the Team responsible to adjust PNG’s Covid-19 Status? I think our data should read, 8 Cases, 0 Deaths and 4 Recovered.


  • While I agree with the PM’s message, the covid 19 funds of K250m that is to be send to the districts must not end up in politicians hands. National government must keep close watch on this money and demand a report back on the funds by a given time. Politicians have misappropriated funds for other disasters, or even independence celebration funds sent to the districts via mps. Let this not happen in times like this where PNG is cash strapped!

  • Sending students back to school is putting individuals, families, homes, communities, provinces and the whole nation into a greater risk than to let students stay home for the rest of this year.

  • God is geater than the Corona virus, if you look around, people are living normal, it is this elite 90 % who know nothing about this are well protected, the Lord is our fortress & refuge. Lets not listen to the world but let hear what the Lord is saying in relation to corona virus. Lets all turn to the Lord for what He has done what he will do
    within the next decade. PNG is anti Corana Virus, lets finf out why He is protecting this nation.He has the answer.

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