Metropolitan commander urges public to report sex trade activities


PORT Moresby residents have been urged to report to police illegal activities such as sex trade or prostitution for investigation.
National Capital District Metropolitan Superintendent Silva Sika said he was aware of what was happening in certain areas of the city but had not received any formal complaint from the residents.
“The people must come forward and report this activities as police cannot make arrests without proper evidence,” he said.
Sika said that these illegal activities were also happening in developing cities or countries.
“I believe that it’s happening but it is done in a way that is played at low level where confidentiality and secrecy are kept among those engaged in such activities so no one would know,” he said.
“People should be very careful. Anyone caught will be arrested and charged. People who know about the sex trade or commercial sex, which is illegal, need to report it to the police so it can be dealt with.
“There might be sex trade for minors which I haven’t come across yet. But that would be very scary.”
Sika said people should not blame the financial issues, like unemployment as an excuse to engage in such illegal activities.
“They can’t use that excuse to use under-aged children, especially females, to resort to prostitution or commercial sex.
“There was a lady (selling) her daughter in exchange for money to support the family. She was arrested and charged.”
Sika said parents selling their daughters for money was a form of abuse and showed disrespect for their own children.