Milne Bay relaunches iconic festival

National Kenu and Kundu Festival chairman Habona Tasman, (with Kundu) Kiara Neville, MBTB chairman Jack Purai and Milne Bay administrator Igo Gari at Friday’s launch in Alotau. – Picture courtesy of Paul Maolai

THE once popular Milne Bay premier cultural event the National Kenu and Kundu Festival (NKKF) was relaunched in Alotau on Friday.
The NKKF has been absent from the shores of Alotau for four years with the last festival staged in 2020.
The relaunch showcased Milne Bay’s diverse Kenu and Kundu culture through traditional songs and dances that will be displayed later this year.
An impromptu enactment of two war canoes from Maiwara village were welcomed by a reception party of traditional clad tribe’s men and women who presented a model war canoe to guest of honour Milne Bay administrator Igo Gari to begin the launch formalities.
Gari reiterated Prime Minister James Marape’s recent call to make Milne Bay a tourism hub in the country.
“It’s timely that we launch the festival,” he said.
He encouraged the NKKF committee to focus on areas that needed to be improved to manage the festival better.
“On behalf of the Milne Bay administration, I pledge our support and I encourage our local and national business houses and corporate partners to support the festival”, he added.
Gari added the Milne Bay Governor and MPs would also be informed of the support required to stage the festival.
Milne Bay Tourism Board chairman Jack Purai echoed the sentiments of the board with Milne Bay Kenu and Kundu culture.
Purai said the NKKF is a vibrant tapestry woven from the threads of tradition, craftsmanship and seafaring spirit.
He explained the essence of the Kenu and Kundu that our ancestors crafted these vessels meticulously using special wood and adhering to special strict customs.
“Remember every contribution makes a difference, therefore, let’s come together to celebrate and sustain the remarkable NKKF,” he added.
New NKKF chairman Habona Tasman then outlined the task in relaunching the 16th NKKF.
The 16th NKKF is scheduled to take place on Nov 3-5 in Alotau.