Minister clarifies that abattoir to be leased to company


THE Livestock Development Corporation (LDC) will only be leasing the 14-Mile Abattoir in Port Moresby to Taylor Pacific who will be importing cattle to slaughter and sell in the country.
Minister for Agriculture and Livestock John Simon told The National that the Government was not signing a contract with Taylor Pacific to bring in cattle on their behalf.
“It is only a lease agreement, this company will be importing cattle in from Australia to do business here but they need an abattoir and a place to slaughter the cattle.
“So they will be renting the 14-Mile LDC Abattoir in Port Moresby,” he said.
“It is a money–making opportunity for the department and through this agreement the department will be able to make between K2 million to K4 million annually.”
Simon made the statement after it was reported that the department had signed an agreement with Taylor Pacific to import cattle into the country.
“The agreement is only for the leasing of the LDC abattoir,” he said.
“The Taylor Pacific will also pay K100 per cattle that is slaughtered at the 14-Mile abattoir.
“Through this agreement, Taylor Pacific will also upgrade the facility to meet industry standards.
“Currently the place is run down.
“This company will actually repair and upgrade it before they start using it.
“It will also create job opportunities and help provide training for Papua New Guineans who will be employed.
“All in all, the department nor the Government will not waste a toea of the people’s money on the agreement,” he said.
Simon said that with the money made from the lease, the LDC and National Agriculture and Quarantine Inspection Authority (Naqia) planned to build quarantine facilities in Daru, Lae and Wewak.
“Most of this facilities are run-down as funding in the past had been misused and I am trying to prove to the Government and everyone that we can manage from where we are now without much Government funding.
“As this will be an income generating opportunity for the Department, we will use the money to upgrade and fix all the run down LDC facilities in the country.”