Minister hails Japanese team


Commerce and Industry Minister Win Daki, through the Investment Promotion Authority (IPA), has praised the 50-member delegation from Japan who are in the country seeking business and investment opportunities.
Daki told the investors that even though Papua New Guinea had been hitting the media for the wrong reasons recently, these issues did not deter the plans and intentions of the business delegation to come to PNG.
“Your visit signals a message to the outside world that PNG’s problems are not unique to what’s happening around the world and it adds to our endeavour to rebuild investors’ confidence and demonstrate that PNG is still open for business,” he said.
Daki was pleased with the discussions held during a forum, and was confident that the B2B, B2G and G2G discussions would be beneficial for both Japan and PNG.
“I will work to ensure that there is continued dialogue to maintain trade and bilateral arrangements between PNG and Japan,” he said.