Minister meets with hospital staff


HEALTH and HIV/Aids Minister Jelta Wong, in Lae for a tour of Angau redevelopment project, heard the grievances of health workers at the hospital.
Some of the issues have been ongoing for the last couple of months.
However, Wong said their complaints were being investigated and nothing was out of order, but he would return and explain that to their representatives.
Mamose National Doctors’ Association president and Morobe health workers’ spokesman Dr Steven James told the minister that their grievances included something that was not right – Grant Muddle holding on to the position of chief executive officer of the hospital after his contract had expired.
The National understands that another issue relate to a staff concern that the hospital lacked adequate preparation to manage Covid-19 cases.
“We had grudges but the person who should attend to hear our grievances was not available to attend to us since the first day of our protest till now,” James said.
“And on top of that, we thought the board didn’t manage our situation well.”
He said the issue started on March when the state of emergency (SOE) was announced.
“It’s a bit difficult,” he said. “But we are making sure we follow SOE guidelines and maintaining our core functions and at the same time making sure our petitions go to the authorities for them to address and come up with amicable solutions for the good of the staff, patients and population of Morobe.”
Wong said issues with the staff was a big impediment to the hospital’s work and the management would attend to their petition.