Monitor hazardous chemicals: Grieving family

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THE uncle of one of the men who died from methanol poisoning in Lae wants to see stricter monitoring of hazardous chemicals by companies licensed to distribute them.
Samuel Mitna, the uncle of late Paul Guba, said the incident would not have happened if the licensed companies were more responsible, and monitored the movement of chemicals such as methanol.
“We appeal to authorities to establish tougher laws on the use and handling of hazardous chemicals,” he said.
“Companies or businesses dealing with this must monitor how the chemicals are distributed and used.
“It’s careless and irresponsible to have dangerous substance finding its way into the community and endangering the lives of our people like this.”
Guba was among the five who died over the weekend in Lae, following a binge drinking which involved the consumption of industrial alcohol.
Mitna expressed concern too on the lack of awareness on methanol or methylated spirits.
“Lae is the home of SP Brewery. Why youths resorted to illicit substance like methanol is the question to ask,” he said.
“Where does the problem lie here? Who is to blame?”
The family members said officers from the Criminal Investigations Division visited them while at the hospital.
“We further appeal if they can follow through, investigate and find out how this substance was brought into the community,” Mitna said.
“We will (only) be satisfied when the source is identified and those responsible are held accountable for their actions.”