Mori crosses ‘for the sake of children and future’

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MINISTER of Commerce and Industry and Chuave MP Wera Mori, pictured, has resigned from the ruling People’s National Congress Party and his ministerial portfolio to join the alternative government camp at the Laguna Hotel.
Mori, who was the first to arrive at the camp last week, told a press conference later that he made the decision to cross for the sake of ‘our children and their future’.
“We have to think about what is happening around us, our people are suffering because despite having so many resources, the country is facing economic problems,” he said.
“We have to work together to help improve our economy and I believe it is time for change, I came based on my own convictions because I believe it is time for change.”
Mori also applauded young MPs and said that the real heroes of the country were people like Komo-Margarima MP Manasseh Makiba and Finchhafen MP Rainbo Paita who believed and fought for change.
“I am truly humbled by these young leaders and thought to myself that if they can do it, then I must follow.
“Now is the time for young leaders to bring change and give economic independence to the people.”
Mori also thanked Prime Minister Peter O’Neil for giving him a opportunity to serve in his cabinet.