Morobe PHA board sworn in

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THE Morobe health authority has sworn in nine board members, after more than a year without a gazetted board in place, an official says.
Chief executive officer Dr Kipas Binga said proper and transparent processes were followed, with nominations sent in for church, community and business representation. “We followed due process where the nominees were nominated to us by respective agencies,” he said.
“We combined and took it to the provincial executive council for endorsement.
“The approved list was sent to through the Health Department to the health minister and into the National Executive Council, who then appointed the board and released a gazettal.” Binga said from the nine, three were new, coming in with their specific backgrounds to add value to provincial health sector.
He noted also the inclusion of provincial administrator Max Brutan on the board, as some ex-officio, outlined by the PHA Act.
He challenged this board to bring in the much needed resources to strengthen Morobe’s health service delivery. “I would like to see the board support us to find resources at their different capacities or partnerships,” he said.
“And resources may not always be money, but connections and links where we can drive the health message to our people.
“There are a lot of papers pending for us to submit for board approval before we carry out activities so we are happy this has happened; we congratulate and welcome the board in place.”
The board underwent an induction shortly after being sworn in last week, where they were updated on the recent legislative changes.
“as far as the functions of the board are concerned, their jurisdiction, boundaries, management and responsibilities are well defined, so as to not cause any doubt or confusion,” Binga said.