MP pushes for free electricity

Islands, Normal

The National, Tuesday May 19th, 2015

 RABAUL MP Dr Allan Marat has challenged the District Development Authority to find ways to provide free electricity supply to poor families.

He was speaking during the launching of a rollout programme for low voltage lines construction at Ratavul ward in the Balanataman Local Level Government last week.

He told the authority’s chief executive officer, Marakan Uvano, and district officers that he would like the Rabaul District Development Authority have in the 2016 budget funds to assist poor families get connected to electricity.

“I mean freely connected. If we can put up a tuition fee-free tuition education, I do not see why we cannot provide free electricity to the very poor families who are still living in darkness in the urban and rural areas,” he said.

“You must come up with a criteria for all four LLGs. 

“Subsidise connections but for the very poor, I want free connection.

“If the district administration is spending huge amounts of money on anything that the District Development Authority board has never made any decisions on, I will personally take officers concerned to task.”