MP supports call for opposition budget

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DEPUTY Opposition Leader Douglas Tomuriesa is supporting the suggestion by Vanimo-Green MP Belden Namah that the Opposition office have its own budget.
Tomuriesa urged the Government to have this included in the 2023 National Budget, by providing adequate resources to the Opposition camp in Parliament.
“The Opposition is part of the legislature arm of government (executive and the judiciary are the other arms) and must be properly resourced so that it can perform its role properly,” Tomuriesa said.
“Currently, the Opposition staff levels are determined by the prime minister‘s determination for ministerial staff (which) is totally inadequate.
“Also, the office space allocated to the Opposition is inadequate for a full complement of staff.
“At (the very least), the Opposition requires a budget of K10 million annually to acquire adequate office space, recruit adequate dedicated professional staff (such as policy researchers and lawyers), have access to a fleet of (vehicles),” he said.